Hopefully, the graduate offices can direct me to professors and graduate student that could help in understanding why the music graduate student do what they do.
With these references, I ask to interview then. I will ask questions like how long have you studied music? who introduced you to music? What did you parents/grandparents listen to? where did you grow up? growing up, what sort of music did you listen to? who where/are your favorite artist/musicians? what are you currently studying? what type of music is your favorite to perform? other than music, what other art forms do you enjoy? etc.
With this information, I can understand why the graduate student decided to go to college and study music.
To counter act this information, I may look into asking the same questions to musicians that did not go to college/graduate school to study music. Comparing the two worlds may or may not lead to a conclusion why the grad students/professors I interview went to school.
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